

Faculty of Law
The Faculty of Law of the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (MSSES) was founded by a renowned contemporary comparativist, professor W. E. Butler.

The Faculty is headed by Dmitry Dozhdev, a professor, Doctor of Laws, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law, and Arbitrator of the Russian Arbitration Court.

The Faculty of Law offers the following educational programmes:
  • Bachelor’s Programme ‘European Private Law Tradition’
  • Russian-British Master’s Programme ‘Comparative and International Private Law’
  • Russian-British Master’s Programme ‘Legal Advice for Asset Management’
  • British Master’s and Russian Retraining Programme ‘Legal Studies’
  • PhD Programme in collaboration with the University of Turin

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Faculty of Social and Cultural Project Management
The Faculty of Social and Cultural Project Management is an educational platform that combines a contemporary and dynamically developing academic school with an innovative laboratory that tests out the newest approaches in contemporary humanities practices as well as the social and cultural project design.

The Faculty of Social and Cultural Project Management offers the following educational programmes:
  • Bachelor’s Programme ‘Creative Projects Management’
  • Russian-British Master’s Programme ‘Project Management’
  • Russian Master’s Programme ‘Music Projects Management’
  • British Master’s and Retraining Programme ‘Cultural Management’

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Faculty of Practical Psychology
The Faculty trains practicing psychologists who can work effectively in a wide range of specialties, from counselling and management to heading HR in private and public organisations and having private counselling practice.

The Faculty is headed by Evgeny Morgunov.

The Faculty of Practical Psychology offers the following educational programmes:
  • Bachelor’s Programme ‘Psychological Counselling and Coaching’
  • Russian-British Master’s Programme ‘Psychological Counselling’
  • British Master’s and Russian Retraining Programme ‘Practical Psychology’
  • Master’s Programme ‘Behavioural Economics’ in collaboration with RANEPA

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Faculty of Political Science
The Faculty of Political Science was re-established in 2017. However, political science has been developing in MSSES almost from the day it was founded. The Faculty currently provides programmes in political philosophy, world politics, and international relations.

The Faculty of Political Science offers the following educational programmes:
  • Bachelor’s Programme ‘World Politics’
  • Russian-British Master’s Programme ‘Political Science and International Relations’
  • British Master’s and Russian Retraining Programme ‘Political Philosophy’
  • Master’s Programme ‘Political Philosophy’ in collaboration with RANEPA

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Faculty of Social Sciences
The Faculty has existed for as long as the School itself. It formed the basis for its educational tradition. It is currently one of the few faculties in Russia aimed at providing fundamental education in social theory and epistemology of social sciences.

The Faculty is headed by Viktor Vakhshtayn.

The Faculty of Social Sciences offers the following educational programmes:
Sociology Programmes:
  • Bachelor’s Programme ‘Contemporary Social Theory’
  • Russian-British Master’s Programme ‘Fundamental Sociology’
  • British Master’s and Russian Retraining Programme ‘Fundamental Sociology’
  • Master’s Programme ‘Fundamental Sociology’ in collaboration with RANEPA

History Programmes:
  • British Master’s and Russian Retraining Programme ‘Public History’
  • Russian-British Master’s Programme ‘History of Soviet Civilization’

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Faculty of Education Management
The Faculty’s primary goal is to promote the modernisation of the Russian education system. That can be achieved by training specialists in key educational fields, particularly in the field of education policy. The Faculty’s objective is to form a cohort of highly qualified analysts and experts capable of analysing and shaping educational policies in their regions and the country at large.

The Faculty is headed by Elena Fedorenko.

The Faculty of Education Management offers the following educational programmes:
  • Preschool Education and Early Childhood Development Programmes Management
  • Data-Driven Education Systems Management

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Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences
The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (MSSES) offers the Liberal Arts & Sciences learning model, which allows second-year students to choose one of five specialisations and form their own individual educational trajectory.

The Faculty is headed by Marina Kalashnikova.

The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences offers the following educational programmes:
  • Music and Musical Theatre
  • Cinema: Film Studies and Film Production
  • Public Policy and International Projects
  • Contemporary Media Text
  • Entrepreneurship in Education

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Faculty of Media Communications
The Faculty of Media Communications is an educational platform that trains contemporary media managers and professional journalists who have great awareness of the social and political agenda and who can not only write complex high-quality journalistic articles and edit texts but also investigate, work with databases, promote texts, interact with the audience, and research the media.

The Faculty is headed by Ksenia Luchenko.

The Faculty of Media Communications offers the following educational programmes:
  • Russian Master’s Programme ‘Media Management’
  • Russian Master’s Programme ‘Journalism’

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Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship offers the following educational programmes:
  • Management in the Fashion Industry
Interfaculty Department of English Language
The Interfaculty Department of English Language (IDEL) allows students to reach the English proficiency level required for studying in a British university and provides academic support for core curricula by helping students develop skills of academic writing, working with data sources in English, conducting discussions, preparing presentations, participating in seminars, etc. The programme’s teachers communicate with students only in English, which ensures complete immersion in the language.

The Department is headed by Irina Korotkina.

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